Strength Training with Blonyx- 1 Month Update

The first month of my strength training while supplementing with Blonyx’s HMB + Creative has come to a close. There were some noticeable improvements in performance and recovery throughout the month and with Month 2 starting on Monday I am eager to keep this going. The only bad news thus far? No super powers! I am still human…for now.

First let’s talk strength….

As is customary when following the Wendler 5/3/1 program you are required to complete as many reps as possible on your last working set. An example of this could be:


5 @ 250lbs

3 @ 280lbs

1+ @ 315lbs

So on this last working set I would perform as many deadlifts as possible past the 1 Rep and record the total reps completed.

I have kept the training log from my last strength training cycle (Nov-Jan) to compare and it shows some growth. My reps on the last working set have seen an increase of roughly 20% across all three lifts that I have been performing. What’s even more encouraging is that the prescribed weight that I started with as benchmarks for all three lifts is higher than the last strength training cycle. What this ultimately means is, I am lifting heavier and for more reps than last time.

One month isnt really going to give us a difintive answer on a simple question like “does strength training with Blonyx make you stronger?” But it is showing us that gains are there to be made and there have been zero setbacks thus far. The true results may reveal themselves more clearly at the end of three months and in conjunction with subsequent retest of my 1RM.

Complementary gains:

One noticeable improvement in my pefromance has come with the accessory lifts that I perform. During my first month I set a new PR for my Squat Snatch (known to the olympic lifting community simply as….Snatch). It has gone from 164lbs to 174lbs. It is not inconceivable to think that by this time next month I will posting about a PR around 180-184lbs. I owe most of this 10lbs gain to excellent coaching and a steadfast approach on practicing technique. Where Blonyx comes in to play is how it has set my body up to perform these lifts.

The most noticeable impact:

For the better part of this year and consistantly during the last month I have been performing strength training sessions and metabolic conditioning sessions back to back. As I had said earlier in my introductory post on Blonyx, I would be performing my own training in addition to the regularly scheduled programming at my box. This has had me performing similar lifts and loads on some days because I am usually not aware of what the Box programming may be. My initial concern was that I would see an increase in muscle soreness due to the increase in training volume. So far I have experienced very little, if any, muscular fatigue since supplementing with Blonyx. What’s even more impressive is the PRs, like the snatch, have continued to happen even though the CNS has been more taxed than what its used to.

I would not recommend someone go from 3 a week sessions into two a days 4x a week simply because they are supplementing. I have slowly added additional training to my programming so that I can begin to handle the workload. It has meant reluctantly scaling workouts even if I can perform the prescribed weights and reps because I know that I will be adding additional work in after the programmed WOD (ya…that’s right…you can still train without an Rx beside your name). I also have had to miss/restructure some WODs that have been programmed knowing that I have to add in more work later. I am of the mind that if you can’t perform the WOD in the way its intended because of factors such as strength, diminished energy, bad technique, ect. it needs to be scaled. If an Rx’d Fran is taking you 5+ minutes, scale the load so that it takes you 3-3.5 min, let your body experience that redline which the WOD is designed for and then do auxilary strength work on your front squat and overhead press. Its the same as trying bar muscle-ups for 20min when you can’t perform adequate chest-to-bar pull ups. Two steps forward, one step back.

Additional notes:

So nowhere on Blonyx does it say “Blazing Blue Raspberry” “Pineapple Passion” or “Outrageous Orange”. What does this mean? Well first it means that it takes like crap when you mix it with water….but more importantly it means there are no additives in it. It is HMB and Creatine….that’s it. Thats a good thing. It doesn’t mix well with water in your standard shaker cup but throw it in a magic bullet or blender with some juice or BCAAs (blue raspberry of course) and blamo! Nectar of the gods!

I also do not feel bloated, jittery or any other weird side effect that may be associated with creatine or HMB supplementation.


Round up:

All in all I have been very pleased with the first month. The most beneficial result has been the minimization of delayed onset muscle soreness which has allowed me to continue training throughout the month. No after effects after consumption, no negatives on performance and also great product support and customer service to answer any questions I have had.

If you would like more information as it pertains to my use of the product and its effects on my training feel free to send me a message.


*Disclaimer*- Blonyx is not actually a nectar of the gods, nor is it endorsed by any methalogical creatures or superheros. Use of it may or may not help you destroy your own inner Crossfit demons.

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