
Creatine Supplement Review….coming soon….

Hey Everyone,


In today’s world of never ending supplement guides, user reviews, advertisements and athlete sponsorships I have found it difficult to discern what works and what doesn’t. Are the results that the sponsored athletes attest to, the result of their strength and conditioning program? their genetic makeup? their diet? their supplements or a combination of all the above? This brings me to the average Joe and what works for us. Every day I am inching closer to being the athlete I want to be but sometimes you need a bit of help. I may need more protein, maybe more BCAAs or perhaps more creatine. All have shown to assist in muscle growth, repair and maintenance,in fact it is in refutable, but does it really matter for a guy (or girl) like you and I?

This is primarily a Crossfit and fitness lifestyle blog so let us focus on nutrition as it pertains to these athletes. I am going to perform two baseline tests that any regular Crossfitter would keep track of. Before the end of March I will attempt and record my times of completion for the workouts Fran & Jackie. Throughout the month of April I will continue with my 5-6 day a week programming, nothing structured specifically for the Test WODs, rather just my regular Crossfit strength and conditioning programming.

The major difference between what I do now and what I will do in April is that I will begin supplementing in Creatine with HMB into my diet. The product I will be using is from Blonyx (from which I have received no financial benefit from) to provide a unbias review of the product for the everyday Crossfitter. I will let you know when I took the product, how much of it I took, how I feel after workouts, how I perceive my performance and healing and ultimately how my retests go after 1 month.

After all is said and done I will give an honest assessment of whether I recommend this product or not. For more information about the product, click the photo on this page. I chose this product because it contains no sugars, preservatives or fillers and is consistent with a paleo diet (not something I am currently following). I am also interested in testing whether HMB (derived from the BCAA leucine) has a reciprocal effect with the creatine.

Stay tuned for more information, and the next predictor blog for The Crossfit Open and 14.5