Dirty 30

Dirty 30

Alright so I almost puked during a workout….I am either not in as good of shape as I though or it was fricken tough!

So as the week went on here is what I did..


SuperSet 1:DB Bicep Curls, 3×10 @ 35lbs/TRX Triceps Press 3×10

SuperSet 2:DB Hammercurls, 3×10 @45lbs/Overhead BB Tri Ext @ 95bs 3×10

Superset 3: Weighted Chin-Ups, 3×10 @25lbs/ Weighted Tricep Dips, 3×10 @ 25lbs

Arnolds 3×10 @ 25lbs

Single Arm DB Raises (Front up to side lower) 3×10 @ 20lbs

5km Trail run


First shot @ Crossfit’s “Fran” Workout. This is a timed event, as fast as you can consisting of the following superset in order. No rest (good luck not resting). I may also point out that although Crossfit says “Pullups” what is traditionally performed (an advertised by crossfit) by athletes is a Kipping Pullup. A kipping pullup is not a pullup, it is a separate exercise in itself and although it looks ridiculous (please google Fran workout, you’ll see) it is needed to get a competitive time. You will find Crossfit contradicting themselves on several occasions, but if you have half a brain and do not follow the cult verbatim, it can be very beneficial. As with any workout plan, consult a physician or professional before attempting. Keep in mind that most crossfit affiliate coaches have taken a course in teaching crossfit. That does not mean they are formally educated or certified to be personal trainers/instructors. Do your due diligence!

21- Thrusters @ 95 lbs / Pullups

15- Thruster @ 95 lbs / Pullups

9- Thrusters @ 95lbs/ Pullups

My time was 9:02. I also performed as close to a strict pull up as possible, but admittedly kicked out with my legs on later reps to gain an advantage.

1 hour of yoga at work (more like 45, got a call near the end)


Dirty 30: This is as fast you can do it. Almost puked! Also very disappointed in my time.

30 Box jump, 24 inch box
30 Jumping pull-ups
30 Kettlebell swings, 24kg
Walking Lunge, 30 steps
30 Knees to elbows
30 Push press, 45 pounds
30 Back extensions
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
30 Burpees
30 Double unders (or 90 singles)

Finished this in 19:03, I was aiming for sub 17min.

Thanks for reading