Grouse Mountain

Uphill Battle

Although the workouts have been going well over the last few months, the blog has not been keeping up. So in order to get more people to read this, and to say thanks to those who are already following this little start up I shall commit to at least one blog a week (this sounds small but I will be out of the country all of Sept).

After competing this past weekend at a Crossfit competition in Vancouver, I felt the need to get right back at it rather than give myself too much rest. The Sunday rest day consisted of this little workout…

100M Row – 25 GHD Situps

200M Row – 20 GHD Situps

300M Row – 15 GHD Situps

400M Row – 10 GHD Situps

500M Row – 05 GHD Situps

Total time was 10:32

Today’s workout:

The Grouse Grind (for time). For more information on the worst hike in BC, follow this link

Today was a let down, finished in 44:02, roughly 3 min off my best time and 5 min off my goal. So in order to discipline my legs for letting me down, I did what any sane person would do after the Grind….went to the gym.

Here is the workout:

Axle Bar loaded with 25#s per side, which is roughly 75# total.

10 x 25M Lunges with the Axle in front rack position. Upon the completion of each 25M, do 10 Shoulder to Overhead Press. Each round minus 1 rep of shoulder to Overhead and 30 sec break.


25M Lunge w/ Axel @ 75# – 10 Shoulder to OH

30 Sec Break

25M Lunge w/ Axel @ 75# – 9 Shoulder to OH

30 Sec Break

25M Lunge w/ Axel @ 75# – 8 Shoulder to OH

30 Sec Break

ect, ect,

Total Time to complete was 19ish minutes (sorry, forgot by the time I got home)

Finished with a 10min flush on the Airdyne, some foam rolling and practiced tech on handstand walk.


Thanks for following and reading. Feel free to send questions or comments!