2014 Crossfit Open: 14.2 Revealed

Well it dropped tonight and man did it shock some people.

Dave Castro’s summation as to why he picked this WOD is “I wanted to make it more difficult, to change up the leaderboard.” Well I think he may have done that but if his intentions were to hit people on pages 4 and on in their region, he did just that. As for the top athletes, I suppose time will tell.

The WOD:

2 rounds in 3 min

10 OHS @ 65/95#
10 C2B Pullups

Finish in 3 minutes, rest until the 3 minutes is complete and start again except this time, add 2 reps per exercise. Continue through this until you can no longer complete the two rounds in the 3min time frame. Score is total reps completed.

What does this mean?

We were all wrong. I suppose the only thing this blog was right about was that OHS would return in 2014 and that the next WOD would be something we had never seen before.

So now what do you think? Any strategies? Feel free to post your score and give a blurb on your experience with the WOD.

Thanks for reading and best of luck!